
What's the unit used in `compo.json` results?

felicitia opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello @MulongXie, I'm running UIED v2.3 and got the results. It looks like compo.json contains a comprehensive result of all detected components. I have a few questions on what the result means in compo.json.

  1. in "img": { "shape": [ 800, 450, 3 ] }
    what's the unit used in 800, 450, 3? And what are they?

  2. Similarly, for each component, what's the unit used in column_min, row_min, height, width, column_max, row_max? And what are they? (I can guess based on the names but wanted to confirm with you :))

Thank you very much!

For the sake for processing speed, the non-text detection resizes the GUI to 800-pixel height while keeps its aspect ratio. So the resulting image is 800-pixel height, 450-pixel width and 3-channel (rgb).

(column_min, row_min) is the left-top corner of a compo, (column_max, row_max) is the right-bottom corner of a compo.