
Enhancement Request: I would like to Add Schema to Swagger Documentation

Opened this issue · 6 comments


Issue Overview:
The Swagger documentation for this .NET WebAPI currently lacks a critical component: a schema definition. Schemas play a vital role in providing clarity and structure to API documentation. This enhancement request aims to address this gap and improve the quality of the API documentation.

Problem Description:
The absence of a schema in the Swagger documentation makes it challenging for developers and consumers of the API to understand the data model, data types, and expected request/response formats. Without a clear schema, it becomes more difficult to ensure data consistency and integration with the API.

Importance of Adding a Schema:

Clarity: A well-defined schema provides clear and unambiguous documentation of the API's data structures.

Data Validation: A schema allows for data validation on both client and server sides, reducing the risk of data-related issues.
Interoperability: Having a schema in the Swagger documentation facilitates integration with a wide range of tools and platforms.

Developer Experience: A schema enhances the developer experience by making it easier to work with the API.

I recommend adding a schema to the Swagger documentation. This schema should define the data models used in the API, including their properties, data types, and relationships. Providing a complete and accurate schema will greatly benefit developers who interact with the API.

I'd like to take on this issue and work on adding the schema to the Swagger documentation with your permission.

Thanks for wanting to do this PR, but sure you tagged the correct person? ;)

Hello @iamcymentho & @FabianGosebrink , thanks for your input.
We are actually working on it.
We got Swagger
As you can see, some endpoints still missing to be added.

At same time, we are working also adding new endpoints to the .NET library.

We will try to have this ready as soon as possible.

Hello @JorgeSariego-MultiSafepay ,

Thank you for your prompt response and for taking action on the Swagger documentation and .NET library improvements. It's great to see that progress is already being made.

I'd like to reiterate my commitment to this project and express my willingness to contribute in any way I can. I'm a C# .NET software engineer with experience in web services in the fintech industry. I believe my background in the field equips me with insights that can benefit the project. I'm eager to apply my knowledge and skills to enhance the project, and I'm also excited about the opportunity to learn new things in the process.

If there are specific tasks, issues, or areas where you think my experience would be valuable, please don't hesitate to assign or guide me. I'm honored to be part of the team's efforts and help make this project even better.

Looking forward to collaborating and making further enhancements to the project!

Best regards,

I wanted to express my continued enthusiasm and commitment to the project, and I appreciate your prompt response to my earlier message. It's truly inspiring to see the progress being made in improving the Swagger documentation and .NET library.

I also wanted to share that, although I'm yet to hear back from you based on my previous message, I had some free time on my hands, and I decided to dive into the Swagger documentation you shared. As a result, I came up with a short documentation that I believe can serve as a valuable reference, providing clarity on how the endpoints work. I'm attaching it to this message for your review.


I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to the project and apply my skills to make it even better. As said earlier If there are specific tasks, issues, or areas where you believe my experience could be valuable, please don't hesitate to assign them or provide guidance. I'm here to collaborate and support the project's goals.

Once again, thank you for your responsiveness, and I look forward to hearing from you .

Best regards,