
Unhandled Promise rejection: Quotes are not supported for evaluation!

brtka opened this issue · 2 comments

brtka commented

Hi there,

I'm trying to add disqus to ionic2 app, i'm testing this on localhost, so I tried to add the [url]="", but I got this error message on compile:

polyfills.js:3 Unhandled Promise rejection: Quotes are not supported for evaluation! ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Error: Quotes are not supported for evaluation!(…) Error: Quotes are not supported for evaluation!

any ideas how to fix this, or how to implement your package to ionic2?


Hi @Brle88,
I haven't tested it on ionic2, are you sure that this error is caused by this package?
check the source
I'm using the global variable window which may or may not be supported in ionic2, which starter are you using?

Hi @Brle88
it's working great, I'm on ionic 3.
a bit late but for anyone having the same problem while initially testing using an actual string :)
you just need to have single quotes when binding to a literal string not a variable, so use this instead:

when using a variable don't add the single quotes, you use it like so: