
Adding comment count links

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I tried to apply this to your module by adding some code to one of your methods:

` DisqusComponent.prototype.addDisqusScript = function () {

    /** Set DISQUS config */

    this.dService.window.disqus_config = this.getConfig();

    /** Add DISQUS script */

    var disqusScript = this.renderer.createElement('script');

    disqusScript.src = "//" + this.dService.shortname + ";

    disqusScript.async = true;

    disqusScript.type = 'text/javascript';

    //New code for comment count:

    var disqusCounterScript = this.renderer.createElement('script');

    disqusCounterScript.src = "//" + this.dService.shortname + "";

    disqusCounterScript.async = true; = 'dsq-count-scr';

    disqusCounterScript.type = 'text/javascript';

    this.renderer.setAttribute(disqusScript, 'data-timestamp', new Date().getTime().toString());

    //append new Script

    this.renderer.appendChild(this.el.nativeElement, disqusScript, disqusCounterScript);

Then I want to add it to a page which iterates through the commented content:

<a href='"" + {{}} + "/"' data-disqus-identifier='{{}}'>First article</a>

But I get the following error message:

Error: Template parse errors: Can't bind to 'disqus-identifier' since it isn't a known property of 'a'.

Do you have a suggestions for how to implement comment count with your module?

I'm not sure how you can do that, I tried to add comments count before, but I couldn't get it to work.
You can get the comments' count using a direct jsonp request.

    this.jsonp.request(`https://${this.shortname}${ this.identifier }`)
            .subscribe((res => console.log(res))

Unfortunately, this is not covered in Disqus Docs, and I can't remember the name of the identifier parameter ?identifier=$ that should be used, but you will probably find out if you research on google.