Rofi menu doesn't look like in the screenshots
obaranek opened this issue · 13 comments
I am running i3 and have this line
bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -show drun -theme $HOME/.local/share/rofi/themes/dracula/dracula.rasi
however rofi has the right colors but the formatting of the menu is off.
I get the name of program and then a lot of whitespace and then the icons and then a lot of whitespace
Remove line 5 (drun-display-format: "{icon} {name}";) and see what happens.
still looks the same
If you have the fonts and icon pack installed I don't know what's really happening.
It's working fine here.
I do have the fonts and I icons installed but I’m not using them, is that fine?
Oh I see, then make a change to see if it'll solve it:
show-icons: true;
show-icons: false;
Run this in the cli:
rofi -show drun -width 500
Just change the value 500 to the size you want.
That solved the size issue, I’ll try solving the icons issue
Thanks, that worked for me!