
Check for useful SMuFL 1.4 features

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SMuFL 1.4 is the second release of SMuFL prepared by the W3C Music Notation Community Group.

This release adds more than 150 new glyphs in existing and new ranges. Brand new ranges added in this release include 'Chop (percussive bowing) notation', 'Techniques noteheads' and 'Scale degrees', and supplemental ranges have been added for 'Extended Helmholtz-Ellis (just intonation) accidentals', 'Other accidentals', 'Medieval and Renaissance prolations', 'Noteheads', 'Note name noteheads'. SMuFL 1.4 also expands the capabilities of font-specific metadata files, including the ability to specify the design size for a font, specify complementary a text font to be paired with the font, and some additional line widths.

The specification can be found at I think the font-related metadata is one of the low hanging fruits Leland can add immediately, specifically "textfontName": ["Edwin", "serif"].

... Never mind, it is SMuFL 1.4 already. I will just add the text metatadata in a PR.