
Techniques / Tips and tricks for finding sensitive data exposures in Github for Penetration Testers / Bug Bounty Hunters


Techniques / Tips and tricks for finding sensitive data exposures in Github for Penetration Testers / Bug Bounty Hunters


Inspired by @Th3G3nt3lman

Find Sensitive information leaks : ( Manual Approch )

Below basic examples :

"Company" password

"Company" secret

"Company" credentials

"Company" token

"Company" config

"Company" key

"Company" pass

"Company" login

"Company" ftp

"Company" pwd

"Company" vspher

"Company" aws

"Company" jenkins

With creaitivity there is a lot of stuff to look for :

"Company" security_credentials ---> LDAP ( active directories )

"Company" connectionstring ---> Database Cred

"Company" JDBC ---> Database Cred

"Company" ssh2_auth_password ---> unautorized access to servers

"Company" send_keys

"Company" send,keys

"Company" ldap

List of keywords , much thanks :



You can use language:python for example to search for specific programing language codes. Example :

"Company" language:pyhton password

From [ Sort ] , you can use it to find for [ Recently Indexed ] ones which is important.

"Company" language:pyhton password NOT owner-api.teslamotors.com

Will sort the results and remove everything realted to [ owner-api.teslamotors.com ]

user:VALUE ---> To look for code commited for a specific user

org:Value ---> Specific org


Find Sensitive information leaks : ( Automation Approch )

Using gitrob : https://github.com/michenriksen/gitrob

Using TruffleHog : https://github.com/dxa4481/truffleHog

Using gitGraber: https://github.com/hisxo/gitGraber

Using git-all-secrets: https://github.com/anshumanbh/git-all-secrets

Using Truffle hunting: https://github.com/dxa4481/truffleHog


Don't forget bitbucket, gitlab and google dorking 2. https://lmgtfy.com/

Google Dorks

intext:"© Example Inc."
site:http://ideone.com "apikey" 
site:http://ideone.com "aws_access_key_id"
intitle:" about atlassian bitbucket"