
Unnecessary Masters

Opened this issue · 3 comments

A mod lists a master that is not overridden or referenced.

This might still be desirable in some very few cases? But usually could be cleaned out, I think

It has a use; I edited the edit that mod x made, so I should sort after mod x. The easiest way to say that is my masters include the original mod and the overriding mods whose edits I've combined.

Edit: oops. Not overridden too? Hmm.

Perhaps to load an archive?

True. I wonder if we could still include suggestions things like this, but just have a way of marking them as okay for a certain mod and should be hidden/not suggested. Sort of like error/warning suppression in C#. Right click error -> say -> "Hide/Ignore"

I think that the ideal would be to have something like LOOT or bash tags, or perhaps some combination along with local overrides, so that the general consensus can say, "this is fine" or the author can say "I meant to do that". At least for things that could be considered a matter of style, as opposed to your game will explode if a mod does this.