Fortran wrapper test mixes comm arguments

robertsawko opened this issue · 1 comments

In the fortran wrapper unit test the argument taken from the command line seems to be confused. That is

call getarg(2, arg)

should probably be

call getarg(1, arg)

Also, subsequently trimming of the argument is necessary as otherwise trailing spaces confuse MPI name. That is my suggestion would be to add trim:

call mui_create_uniface3d_f(uniface, trim(arg))

This still does not fix the issue as then mpirun ends with invalid reference, which may be due to C-Fortran difficult relationship rather than MUI itself.

I'm going to close this issue as it has been open for a long time but with the understanding that the wrappers are currently lagging behind the main library and need maintenance to bring them up to scratch ASAP.