
This is an exercise to practice file upload with Node and Multer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Handle file upload in NodeJS with Multer

  • This repo contains the correction of the exercise:
    • On the master branch: index2.js ==> contains the simplest implementation possible / index.js ==> contains a more solid implementation with diskStorage settings / file filtering / error handling
    • On the feat/s3upload branch: we still use Multer, but this time we upload each file in a bucket on Amazon S3 using the Multer S3 engine


You want to allow your users to upload a profile picture. For that, you already set up some HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <title>File Upload Exercise</title>
   <form method="POST" action="/upload-profile-pic" enctype="multipart/form-data">
           <label>Select your profile picture:</label>
           <input type="file" name="profile_pic" />
           <input type="submit" value="Upload" />

Your Mission

You need to set-up the back-end to accept that profile picture, save it on your server, and send back the picture itself to the client.

How do I do that?

A classic way is to use the Multer NPM package. It’s a middleware for handling multipart/form-data, primarily used for uploading files.

Read the Multer documentation here.

Level 1:

  • Copy-paste the above html boilerplate into an index.html file
  • Set up your Node/Express server like we’ve previously seen
  • Create a POST route handler for /upload-profile-pic
  • Try to set up Multer on your server following the documentation. You’ll have to set a destination storage, and the way you want the filenames to be handled (help, help)
  • Pass the middleware to your POST route handler; see if you can console.log(req.file) inside of it
  • If you can; you’re all set, you might want to implement some error handling logic here in case you don’t have a file
  • And then some logic when you do have a file. Look at the info you get. Check if the file is saved correctly, with the right extension name (tip: Multer removes the filename extension by default, so you need to add it back) (help)
  • You’ll need to use another application level middleware for Express to handle serving static files to the client (help)
  • You want to send the picture back to the client for immediate display. You can do something like the following here (help)
res.send('<h2>Here is the picture:</h2><img src="<the path to the image on your server>" alt="something"/>')

Level 2:

  • Move all your file upload logic to a separate module inside a utils folder
  • Implement a file filter to only accept images (help); for this you can check the file’s original name (help), and have a regex to check the extension (help, help) or you can check the mimetype of the file) and send an error when passed something else
  • Create a new POST route handler for /upload-cat-pics
  • Add the following after the first form in the HTML boilerplate:
   <form method="POST" action="/upload-cat-pics" enctype="multipart/form-data">
         <label>Select your cat pictures:</label>
         <input type="file" name="cat_pics" multiple />
         <input type="submit" value="Upload Cat Pics" />
  • This time, you have to handle a multi file upload (help)
  • Return all the uploaded pictures to the client

Level 3:

  • Create a table pictures in a database with the following columns: pic_id, name (original filename), path (where the picture is stored)
  • When the user uploads a single picture, or multiple pictures, it should get stored in the database
  • Insert a link into your HTML that will point to /get-pics & create GET a route handler for /get-pics
  • This route handler should get all the pictures previously uploaded in the database and return them as a list of links to the user. The user should be able to click on a link, and view the selected picture