
Date handling for overdue homework

amazansky opened this issue · 1 comments

If I have a HW that's due on Monday and don't check it off, on Wednesday the date due will be displayed as "last Monday". In my opinion this doesn't fit the definition of how "last ___" is used in everyday speech and is somewhat confusing—maybe we could use something like:

  • "x days ago" up to 1 week, after which we'd start using the original date due
  • just "Monday", and it's inferred that we mean the past Monday by the fact that it's overdue

or possibly something different entirely. Thoughts?

My proposed format. Note: in all of these examples, the homework was due Monday Jan 1.

  • Case 0: Today is Tuesday Jan 2.
    • Old (unchanged): Yesderday (late)
  • Case 1: Today is Thursday Jan 4.
    • Old: last Monday (late)
    • New: Monday (3 days late)
  • Case 2: Today is Monday Jan 8.
    • Old: 01/01/2020 (late)
    • New: 01/01/2020 (1 week late) (note: I was debating whether or not to include the day of the week the assignment was due. I decided against it in the end because it seemed like too much info to pack into a small space, but I would be open to different opinions.)

Note: these examples use the current date format. We should also make this work with potential other date formats (see #140).