
Default due date for assignments

amazansky opened this issue · 7 comments

When you enter an assignment into Homework View/Dashboard, it defaults to being due that day. We should give the user the option to choose the default assignment due date if none is entered, for example: same day, next day, next school day, etc.

Would this be an opt-in thing or by default? I'd be worried about confusing people if they forget to enter a due date at all. I think it might be surprising if it just chooses something for you (although tomorrow is probably a pretty safe bet) as opposed to complaining.

I think for backwards-compatibility and to keep the same behavior for users we should default to today (like what we do now) but give the option to change the default date on an opt-in basis

Oh whoops, I didn't realize we defaulted to today...that makes sense then. We could also have it default to no date at all, but if we're already assigning a default then it makes total sense to allow you to change that. (also arguably tomorrow would be a better default, but shhh)

I’m wondering if we could somehow integrate this with the calendar and make things due at the next class meeting by default. This is also something that could benefit by being done by subject, for example, if my physics teacher always assigns homework on Monday due Friday I should be able to have physics homework automatically due the next Friday

@willbarkoff would that be an option per class? Like on the classes page you can select the "assignment day" (probably need better wording)? Or it would just choose the next meeting based on your calendar?

I was thinking that both should be an option

The issue with that is I think there isn't a super great way to link the classes for homework and the classes on your schedule. You can have a "Science" class for homework, but MyHomeworkSpace doesn't actually know that it's linked to a class called "Physics II" or "8.02" on your schedule (as an example).