
Declare compatibility back to 4.4 Kitkat on Google Play

Closed this issue · 2 comments

leto commented

Right now older Androids can download our app and it won't work because they are not compatible. I think there is a setting in the Play store to declare what we support, hopefully?

This app's minSdkVersion is already set to 17 [Android 4.2.x], so I believe this application is supported for Android 4.4 already. I was able to compile and run it on Android 5.1.x device.

Google PlayStore requires targetSdkVersion to be set to at least 26 for submission (XDA Source Article), which might be the issue you're describing.

According to this (new Android OS distribution chart), only 4% of the Android ecosystem runs 4.4 KitKat, so does it make sense to support this version still?

leto commented

@jahway603 i agree, it's annoying to do and probably not very important. People can always download from Github if necessary. Closing