
⚠️ WIP ⚠️ A sentiment analysis tool for websites

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Feel-the-web is a free cross-platform browser extension allows marketers and students to view, or 'feel', sentiments from websites. It highlights all positive in green, neutral in yellow and negative in red, directly on the webpage itself.


  • Required dependencies: Node and NPM
  • Optional dependency: crxmake

1. You need to clone this GitHub repo with submodules so run the following:

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 <repo link> where <repo link> is replaced with any of the two links below:

  • https://github.com/MyIsaak/feel-the-web.git
  • git@github.com:MyIsaak/feel-the-web.git

2. Run the install.sh from base directory

Note: For Windows users I recommend copying the browser-polyfill.js file located in webextension-polyfill/dist/ to feel-the-web/src/, assuming you're locating from base repo directory.

Perhaps you don't have permission to execute install.sh, in this case try running chmod +x install.sh

crxmake is an optional dependency if you wish to pack the plugin

3. Then load the feel-the-web folder onto your web browser

Note: Don't mistake feel-the-web/ (incorrect) with feel-the-web/feel-the-web/ (correct) when loading the plugin onto the browser. Any plugin must have a manifest.json in it's base directory.

  • For Chrome, you can go to "chrome://extensions" and enable "Developer Mode" then select "Load Unpacked"
  • For Firefox, you can enter "about:debugging" in the URL bar and click "Load Temporary Add-on"


A hot reload script is added for facilitating the developent cycle, since some browsers don't update and require you reload or refresh the plugin manually (especially when packed). It serves as a watchdog for file changes and immediately refreshes the browser. Will be removed on published builds.

What is sentiment analysis?

The process of computationally identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text, especially in order to determine whether the writer's attitude towards a particular topic, product, etc. is positive, negative, or neutral.

A picture is worth a thousand words:

alt text

How feel-the-web works?

Using Google's Natural Language REST API feel-the-web sends the webpage to their trained neural-network based model which performs sentiment analysis for the extension to receive. This external machine is hosted on their cloud, payed by my own pockets so don't go wild... unless you make a donation :)

Using Mozilla's WebExtensions Framework feel-the-web can be supported by Chrome, Firefox and Opera as well as the W3C Community Group


  • Isaak Eriksson
  • (perhaps you?)

Contributions are welcome

If you have any suggestions, issues or new ideas please leave a chat on gitter or submit an issue

If you wan't to modify code please fork this repo


Feel the Web is under MIT licensing