School percentage inacurate

Opened this issue · 6 comments

The percentage shows that school is 100% done when there is still one period left to go. I dont know what could cause this.

I'm not sure if this has been fixed yet but I will investigate further

yeah, i looked at the TS on the frontend and it seems like the periods are ok, but ill go look again

So there is no lunch period, it just has the arts period as the rest of lunch. Im gonna try to revise it and ill put in a pull RQ. It might not work, but it also might.

im gonna change the the lunch block to L

found the problem with the schedule. it has PE as an entire period even though it is a half period. then there is something missing. it skips 45 minutes which causes it to end early boom not sure how to fix it tho

Is E period art or PE or can it be both