peer tutoring helper

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Kat Kosup has talked about making a helper site for peer tutoring so that peer tutor signup and organization becomes more efficient. Currently, peer tutoring uses excel sheets. Update on the specific requirements to come.

Im gonna code a chatbot that can guide the user to pick a tutor. Then they can email back and forth with it. This way the user gets an instant suggestion. Then, on the same page there will be a form that says apply to be a tutor and your grade level if you want to tutor someone else. Then we get volenteers and enter their emails into the chat bot which randomly gives you three emails.

@JackCai1206 i made the html code. I don't think you are active tho, and need help with the backend. Could @MeMeBigProgrammer or @michaelgira23 help please?

I was going to continue work on this, forking grants repository. The chatbot is py script doesent seem to be working currently.

i accidentially forked that when i didnt know how to work github. THat is not mine.

ohhh that makes sense, I guess ill just start the project fresh then