
Installation crash (/' is not a valid libtool archive)

Tony450 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello everyone,

I have problems with Mycroft (latest version) software installation on Linux (Kali distro). When I run “./” the execution of the script stops and I get the message “/’ is not a valid libtool archive”. The screenshot is on unnamed.

I have researched a lot on the Internet but I haven’t found any solution for this. I have read in a few posts that some other people have had the same issue but nobody hasn’t answered them. I have tried to remove the environment and rebuild it again and the same error occurs.

Also, I have noticed that the software is somehow partially installed on my system. I say that since I can run some main commands such as “ all”, etc. However, if I run “ cli” an error displays saying that a python library is not installed, then I install it manually and I get another error message saying that another package is not installed (this never ends, I have associated this behaviour to the fact that the program is not completely installed).

I would be grateful if someone could help me with this problem, the software really appeals to me and I need it to advance with my master thesis.


Hi Tony,

I don't have any immediate solution to addressing Mimic1 builds given the error you've posted. However you can run ./ with a -sm flag to skip the build of Mimic 1 altogether. If you're after local-only TTS our new Mimic 3 is a much better option, we just haven't got that in the default build script yet.

More on Mimic 3 here:

I'm going to leave this ticket open in case others hit the same thing, however it's not something that we'll be prioritizing at the moment.

Actually this is a duplicate of #3115 so will close this but keep it linked for reference.