
The start/end_listening sounds should be called with the pulse media.role=phone to enable ducking

Ramblurr opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

When pulse ducking is enabled, the background audio is only ducked when TTS audio is played. But I think the start and end listening sounds should also be ducked

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enable ducking
  2. Say "Hey Mycroft.."

Result: The start_listening sound is played, but the existing background music/audio is not ducked.

Expected behavior

Play the start/end_listening audio files with the proper pulse audio environment to enable ducking (media.role=phone)

Log files
If possible, add log files from /var/log/mycroft/ to help explain your problem.

You may also include screenshots, however screenshots of log files are often difficult to read and parse.

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Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Device type: RPI 4
  • OS: Raspbian
  • Mycroft-core version: ab242a2

I did not know this existed. Nice suggestion!

That's a good idea. I wonder if we should create a helper function, play_audio_and_duck() (or something) to streamline the experience a bit compared to creating the environment at each call site.