

Closed this issue · 4 comments


If you are still using @mysten/sui.js you may need to upgrade to @mysten/sui:

There isn't enough detail here to understand or reproduce the issue.

If you could provide a small reproduction, or even more details about your setup, how you are running/building your code that could be helpful.

There is no stack trace in your error report, so we can't tell where this error originates. So far I haven't been able to reproduce the issue with the given information

I see. Sorry, I wasn't familiar with this specific error, but now that I see the code, I know whats going on.

The sui sdk is broken up into multiple import paths, and you can't import directly form the root of the pacakge:

const { SuiClient } = require('@mysten/sui/client');

const { SuiClient } = require('@mysten/sui/client');