
Message box out of position

ceesquared opened this issue · 2 comments

If I use either the API call SendMessage or Mythutil --message I have a problem. If I am in a menu then the message box is correctly positioned. If I am in Live TV or Watch Recording the Message box is centred somewhere off the bottom right of the screen and about 4x scaled ( a guess). I am unclear as to whether this is theme fault or a mythtv fault. A correspondant on buntu forums says that he does not have the problem with mythbuntu wide so it looks like a theme bug

Confirmed. Patch coming shortly

Further to my problem, I have further information. Firstly my setup. I have HDMI HD output to an HD TV. I receive through freesat (UK tv) both SD and HD. If the FE is displaying a SD broadcast then the message box is out of place as described. If however, an HD broadcast is being shown then the message box is correct! This may explain why blm-ubunet on ubuntu forums does not have a problem. Perhaps it is a case of SD broadcast/SD output or HD broadcast/ HD output is ok but mixing them screws the output. In this case is it a theme problem or could it be a mythtv problem? If the Message box is "pasted" onto the display before conversion SD to HD and using the broadcast parameters then it should be OK, if after, and the box pixel position is calculated from the output parameters, the the box will be to far right and down.