
Developing new commands doesn't work (default behavior)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Looks like theres an undocumented quirk when developing and adding new commands that has them not build or show up. The .env has the POSEIDON_USE_BUILD_CONTEXT var set to false by default, so even if you follow the right steps from, the commands never get built in (looks like it just pulls from main remote repo).

You have to set POSEIDON_USE_BUILD_CONTEXT to true, and then itll pull your added code from the local InstalledServices/poseidon folder like it should. This drove me nuts for awhile. Might be worth throwing in a note about it in the docs 🙏

Very good point! This isn't actually something that's poseidon specific, but applies to all agents that leverage pre-built containers. I just released a blog about it ( and will be incorporating it into agent docs and the global docs at

Awesome, ty!