
Anyone using HolaClient has gotten their info stolen, we highly advise resetting everything and avoiding HolaClient.

Closed this issue · 9 comments

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This was reported by @Nyxalis on the popular discord server called DontAbuse.

Right now what you can do is reset everything that's in your settings.json and settings.yml files and then delete the telemetry.js file
We recommend you switch to another open-source client as soon as possible if you're still using Hola Client

@ItzGeoYT has seized the VM due to this.

This seems to extend to send the following data in addition:

  • Pterodactyl admin key
  • Pterodactyl client key
  • Cloudflare api key (if setup)
  • Email SMTP information (if setup)
  • Bot token (if setup)
  • linkvertise, shareus, linkpays & gyanilinks API keys (if setup)
  • Discord bot application Secret, ClientID & Bot Token
  • Discord log webhooks

We recommend that you switch over to MythicalDash!

If you don't want to use MythicalDash here are some more repos for you:

Avoid using HolaClient.

isn't heliactyl from another scammer

  • its no longer maintained

Does it matter? no it i just so users can see what options there are

Cry more fking kids, code is open source so everybody agreed on this telemetry :'D

everyone stfu, holaclient was shitty to begin with lol

thank's for this report

thank's for this report

No problem it is my job to keep users safe!