
Is this still in development

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Hi N-Able,

Is this still in development? Most updates are 7 years old. Is there a new place for custom service templates?

Hi @hogendoorn . I created this Github organization 7 years ago as an improvement to the N-Able Resource Center, which was a sharepoint style system where community members could send their files and someone at N-Able would list them. At the time, I copied all of that existing content into the repositories here.

In the years since then, some of the more popular templates have been maintained by the community. Personally it's been some years since I worked for an MSP, and I'm no longer an active N-Able customer.

Perhaps someone who's active in the N-Able community could comment on whether this stuff on Github is still relevant? What's happened to the N-Able Resource Center in recent years?

Hi @jamesweakley,

I was under the impression that this was a official N-Able repo. But after reading the intro i found out its not. I believe the repositorie you have over here is bigger than availbible on N-Able page. The previous page is not availible anymore and the new page does not show that much content regarding custom monitoring.



Hi Michael,

Check out this Slack community:

@RemcoGitHub do you know if its on invite only?

To be honoust I don't know. But I see I can invite someone with an email adres.

Remco, i dont know you i can send you a private message, can you invite me with remove


How do we get invited to n-central-community.slack.com?

Give me your email (somehow) so i can sent an invite.

Private message not possible,
