Computed property for nodes and config
Gurzhii opened this issue · 7 comments
Hello! First of all, I want to thank you for the job you've done!
I have one question, I can't find in the docs. How can I use nodes and config as computed properties? It's not working for me at all. It renders the structure but select/expand features are not working at all.
Issue: I need to combine data from the parent with the initial tree state. (parent data is reactive and may be changed on the fly, so I need to use computed prop in the child component where I have the tree)
@Gurzhii, I found the same. It works if I use Vue 3 refs, but using computed properties(Pinia getters) is not working.
I think I will check the package's source code to see if I can find the issue and a workaround for it.
@Gurzhii @N00ts, here's a quick update:
The tree will only work as expected if you pass a reactive property such as ref or reactive.
This is because the nodes are a computed property here:
const state: IState = {
id: uniqueId(),
nodes: computed(() => nodes.value),
config: computed(() => config.value),
From the docs:
A computed property automatically tracks its reactive dependencies.
Just an example so you can understand:
This is reactive:
data() => {
return {
defaultNodes: {
computed: {
nodes() {
return this.defaultNodes;
This is NOT reactive:
computed: {
nodes() {
return {
id1: {
text: "text1",
children: ["id11", "id12", "id13"],
When you have computed properties not relying on reactive data, Vue returns a plain object instead of a Proxy.
Also, when using toRefs
and destructuring the nodes and config props values, nodes.values
and config.values
will be reactive only if they're initially reactive values. Please check this example.
@N00ts That said, I think that a good solution could be checking if the refs are reactive already, if not, we can create a ref with the value and ensure that is reactive, something like this:
import { toRefs, computed, ComputedRef, Ref, ref, isReactive } from 'vue';
export function createState(props: ITreeProps): string {
let { nodes, config } = toRefs(props);
if(!isReactive(nodes.value)) {
nodes = ref(nodes.value);
What do you think?
@N00ts If this looks good, I will be happy to open a pull request.
Looks fine ! Or maybe juste error message to avoir people making this mistake !
Yes but just a warning message can be a good thing instead of letting people having bad practices about Reactivity, don't you think ?