Button priority options
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Currently, the ordering is Popup > Quest/Gossip
, with options to skip specific popups + custom blacklist of them.
When we add custom-watched buttons, they will come after Quest/Gossip in priority.
When/if we add numkey support for popups, they will prioritize the popup buttons over an open gossip panel.
-- NOTE: this should respect the don't click summon/duel/revive options!
Should we add a dropdown option to configure the button priority?
Popups > Gossip/Quest > Custom Watches (default)
Popups > Custom > Gossip
Gossip > Popups > Custom
Custom > Popups > Gossip
Gossip > Custom > Popups
Custom > Gossip > Popups
Maybe then something in the option menu that allows manual ordering? Would be clearer than 5/6 different options but a bit harder to implement
Would be clearer than 5/6 different options but a bit harder to implement
There isn't an easy way to make a reorderable list that isn't super easy for users to break. I agree the UX would be clearer, but on the whole I don't think this is a particularly big issue in the first place.
EDIT: as per #9 , default ordering should become Gossips/Quests > Custom > Popups