
REST API needs to allow for larger payloads?

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I'm trying to pass a few thousand (well, a few tens of thousands of) job IDs to remote sonalyze to ask for info on specific jobs; these IDs I've gotten from another call. Curl does not like this. It's possible that even if we were to bypass curl it and construct the request ourselves it would not go well. In general, it would seem that it should perhaps be possible to pass large parameters to the REST API as part of the body of the request. It would be worth investigating this in the context of #502 also.

One might argue that the sensible thing here is to pass a query expression and let the server sort out what is basically a join, thus also bypassing the initial query that generated the list of IDs, but that way lies SQL and we're not there yet.

Passing a body to a GET turns out to be unspecified behavior (has no semantics; caching servers can ignore the fact that there was a body). There's an in-flight SEARCH verb that would maybe be better but it is not standard and may be restricted once it is, So the best way to do this now may be to abuse semantics by POSTing a query and getting the response as part of that, or by POSTing a query to effectively store it (storing it in memory is probably OK?) and then execute a GET to execute it and return the result. Of course then it's a matter of deleting / garbage collecting it effectively.