Heated plate size question
3d-gussner opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi Karl, after seeing your 430mm high print video I was wondering why the heated plate is just 230mm long (z-axis), as a print that high would need ~335mm heated plate until it is finished.
A 430mm tall, 400mm wide and 50mm long print
- The bottom of the print would be on the heated plate up to ~330mm height
- The following 50mm height to print it would slowly move to the cold plate
- The last 50mm height to print it would be just on the cold plate
That might work for PLA but other materials may not stick anymore/loose adhesion with dropping bed temperatures and prints above 330mm may fail.
Did you choose for 230x400 because of available heating elements?
- I want that the print stays on the heated plate until it is finished
- Heated plate must be 230mm x 400mm
- max. print height at 45° would be ~330mm
- Y-axis travel distance of the x-axis gantry would be ~350mm
- Y-axis MGN12 Rails need to be at least ~350mm+2x 45mm(MGN12 block) =min 440mm
So I would need 2x 500mm MGN12 rails instead of 1000mm one which need to be cutted for the existing design (saving on these $50)
The travel distance of x gantry on the 500mm MGN12 y-axis rails should be around ~410 mm.
This would mean we have 60mm space for the tools of a tool changer system
I haven't had any issues with prints coming off yet, but I suppose its a possibility.. How you choose to assemble yours is completely up to you(beauty of open source).. Please make sure to share your revisions if you do..