
Add support for Region Bounding Volume

gkjohnson opened this issue · 3 comments

Regions should be specified in the local frame of the group treating the group as the WGS84 coordinate frame.

Example data here.

Spec here.

More information in CesiumGS/3d-tiles#445

Add support for:

  • A Region class
  • A RegionHelper class for rendering a region
  • A displayBoundingRegion flag for debug tiles renderer

The region must be defined on the oblate WGS84 spheroid with major and minor axes defined here

A simple implementation would just involve creating a sphere or box around the region volume.

From #269 (comment):

A region bounding volume is defined here:

It's a patch defined by a latitude, longitude, and height delta on the WGS 84 ellipsoid. A simple approach to supporting a region volume is to generate a sphere from the region coordinates so that can be used for frustum culling etc. That could be added here:

const region = null;
if ( 'region' in tile.boundingVolume ) {
console.warn( 'ThreeTilesRenderer: region bounding volume not supported.' );