
Cookbook Hackdays - Thursdays recurring 12:30-2pm ET

jules32 opened this issue · 7 comments

This recurring hacktime can move forward issues listed in this repo as well as new work revamping the Welcome sections and incorporating other infrastructure (R, MATLAB), earthaccess, and workshop planning work

TODO this week:

  • Contributing: review and merge PRs for 2 new contributing pages.
  • Contributing: Also discuss 2i2c Access (should it go directly in the Cookbook rather than README); start drafting how to add invite folks to hub.
  • Welcome: discuss plan here

Thursday Jan 18, 2024 Hackday notes

  • - Incorporate content from Cloud Playground into Cookbook sections
  • - Welcome: acknowledge different types of users and direct folks to Contributing; move Cloud Paradigm section into When To Cloud
  • - Our Cookbook: Review content here and update as we add more content
  • - Beef up contributing section (see all existing Issues related to Contributing)
  • - Finish drafting When To Cloud section
  • Make the Welcome page a brief tour of what this Cookbook offers and how it's structured

In the Cookbook R / earthdatalogin breakout we did this:
Create docker image to help Cookbook align/test with 2i2c Hub

@alexishunzinger, this video that Michele Thornton recorded from the AGU workshops could be great to link to in the Welcome in the Cookbook:

Lots of progress today on the When To Cloud section. notes.

NEXT STEPS include Gather examples, and create a rubric.

During an earthaccess hackday, @ateucher and I talked about the potential benefits of having linkages between external, mission/topic-focused tutorials and the cookbook tutorial section. Perhaps we can discuss this as a broader group next time we meet?