
HiMAT Points of Interest

Opened this issue · 1 comments

My name is Brad Herried of the Polar Geosptial Center. We have developed web-mapping applications with imagery mosaic layers (from DigitalGlobe satellite imagery and Landsat 8). Access to these requires active funding from NASA HMA, NASA Cryospheric Sciences, or National Science Foundation (for related work in the poles/cryosphere).

First: We encourage all HMA funded researchers to utilize our imagery (and DEMs...). Contact for more information.

Second: In the mapping applications, we are looking add "spatial bookmarks" which quickly point users to interesting scientific study areas. Any input from program management or PIs is highly encouraged! Would like to include areas of high impact (i.e. frequently studied areas) or events (i.e. landslides, glacial retreat).

Thanks! I can be contacted directly at