
Overlay bottom tab bar with a custom view in Xamarin Forms

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Custom tab view for Xamarin Forms

Overlay bottom tab bar with a custom view in Xamarin Forms


  1. Create a view (Grid, Stack, Frame...) that implements SignKeys.Effects.ICustomTabView

     public partial class TabView : Grid, ICustomTabView
         public event EventHandler<int> IndexChanged;
         public void OnTabSelected(int index)
             //Highlight the selected tab
  2. Set it as the tab view of a TabbedPage using TabEffect.


             <local:TabView />


     TabEffect.SetTabView(this, new TabView());
  3. Set the view's height.

By default, the drawn view's height will be equal to its HeightRequest.

To make the view's height change dynamically based on the native tab bar's height (which varies from device to device and from orientation to orientation), use TabEffect.SetCustomTabHeight(...).

TabEffect.SetCustomTabHeight(this, new TabHeight(TabHeightMode.RelativeToNativeTabBar, 16));

The custom view will be always 16px higher than the native tab bar.

TabEffect.SetCustomTabHeight(this, new TabHeight(TabHeightMode.ProportionalToNativeTabBar, 1.2));

The custom view's height = the tab bar's height * 1.2