
Can't upgrade to version

klzig opened this issue · 2 comments

klzig commented

I have a MapBox MapView working in a app using naxam.mapbox.droid version 4.2.2. After upgrading to version via nuget I get the following build error:

Exception while loading assemblies: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load assembly 'Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken='. Perhaps it doesn't exist in the Mono for Android profile?

I can get past this error by installing the following packages:

But then I get this build error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added : Lokhttp3/Address; CycleTrip.Android

And I'm left with a bunch of Google Play packages installed. I didn't need GooglePlayServices before and don't think I should need them now to use mapbox-android-sdk.

How can I get this to build without the Google dependencies?

Thank you for providing these bindings. Any help appreciated.


I guess you installed Mapbox package from very old version.

Plz remove all NAXAM packages, then add latest Mapbox package again.


klzig commented

Well I swear I started with version and these errors led me back to 4.2.2. But after following your advice, it works. Thanks so much for your rapid response!

One note: I think because I'm loading the map in a fragment instead of an activity, I had to change onDestroy() to onDestroyView() to avoid a runtime crash when unloading the map. Otherwise the NAXAM blog post was quite helpful.

        public override void OnDestroyView()

Thanks again for providing these bindings as well as some excellent blog posts on using them.