
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


1. Prerequisites

  1. Require to install
- NodeJS 12+ https://nodejs.org/
- yarn https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/#debian-stable
  1. Install node modules
yarn install - installing node modules for backend part
cd client && yarn install - installing node modules for frontend part

2. How to run

  1. Run locally
yarn server - run backend part
yarn client - run frontend part
yarn dev - run both backend and frontend
  1. Run in production mode
yarn build - build React production-build
yarn start - run start.js file with setupped environment

3. Database connection

Environment variables

MONGO_DB_USER - name of user with access to MongoDB
MONGO_DB_PASSWORD - password for user
MONGO_DB_HOST - host name for application
MONGO_DB_NAME - name of the database

Migrate to MongoDB

You can use command migrations only once - after Up should be Down, after Down - Up.

  1. Add new admin
yarn migrate-admin-up​
  1. Remove all admins
yarn migrate-admin-down​
  1. Add new defibrillators (from db_collections/defibrillators.json file)
​ yarn migrate-defibrillators-up​
  1. Remove all defibrillators
yarn migrate-defibrillators-down

4. Environment variables for JWT configuration

SECRET_JWT_KEY_AUTH - jwt secret key based on email and id
EXPIRE_TIME_JWT_AUTH - expiration time 1 hour
SECRET_JWT_KEY_SIGN_UP - jwt secret key based on email
EXPIRE_TIME_JWT_SIGN_UP - expiration time 1 hour
SECRET_JWT_KEY_RESET - jwt secret key for password reseting
EXPIRE_TIME_JWT_RESET - expiration time 1 hour

5. Other environment variables

Email configuration

BASE_URL - URL for redirection to main page of app from email
EMAIL_USER - Mail account username
EMAIL_PASSWORD - Mail account password
EMAIL_FROM - Mail account for users notification(successfull registration, password reseting ...)

Admin credentials


Google maps api

Generate your own Google API key in developer console https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/get-api-key