
Boundary Conditions

Opened this issue · 6 comments

It seems the boundary conditions downloads are not working. The download messages are happening way too fast for any data downloads to be happening.

This is an issue that has occured before. This coincides with server issues from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction Nomads (NCEP). The app pulls the initial and boundary conditions from the Nomads server, and it will fail if it cannot establish a connection. If the server is down, I cannot estimate from my end how long this will take.

In the latest version of the application, it should display a message upon launch if there are issues connecting the server. The latest version can be installed by removing the current docker image and running Pi-WRF container, and then starting the app again (it will automatically download the latest version if no version is detected). If you have the latest version and you are not receiving a notice, please let us know, and this will be investigated further.

To remove the Pi-WRF image:
-Open a terminal and type 'docker image ls -a' (no quotes needed)
-Find the Pi-WRF image
-type 'docker image rm containerID'

I followed the instructions and the is no notice that the connections failed.

Attached is a portion of my firewall log showing the outgoing connects. It seems they are happening too quickly for any download to be happening.

I see the issue with the connection and I will look into this over the next few days.

Hi @KD4PYR. I am just following up on this. I found the issue as NCEP updated their file stucture. I don't have access to update master branch, but a pull request was submitted a few weeks ago. You can get the updated code from there.

Thanks. I copied the run_wrf file with the change and just copy it to the docker image at run time. Running just fine now. I will watch for the docker image to be updated before turning students loose.


I can confirm the fix as well. I manually updated run_wrf and after building a new Docker image, it seems to be working.