
Problems with running PyNgl function Ngl.gc_inout on local computer

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To whom it may concern,

My name is Austin Reed and I am conducting research on precipitation. I have been coding in python and have been using your PyNgl module to analyze data. I am using PyNgl version 1.6.1 and python 3.7.4 and have installed them using anaconda using conda-forge and have it in a seperate environment in conda . While working on my research, I have noticed a few issues regarding the Ngl.gc_inout function. I copied your example on the PyNgl website for Ngl.gc_inout and all of them produce "None" instead of the output listed on the website. In addition to this, I have been getting a fatal error of "deallocating none" when I use the function with lat/lon data, whether it be for precip data or just dummy data. I checked with a colleague who has the same package which was run on her local computer and she obtained the correct result [1] , instead of the "None" that I am getting. I am not quite sure why I've been getting this error or how I could diagnose it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,