
single-entry frxst.csv input

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Having multiple entries in a frxst.csv input yields an array of tuples, but just one entry as in


(yields just a tuple), produces this error:

File "wrf_hydro_gis_preprocessor/wrfhydro_gis/", line 2336, in forecast_points
ds = CSV_to_SHP(in_csv, DriverName='MEMORY', xVar='LON', yVar='LAT', idVar='FID', toProj=WKT) # In-memory features
File "wrf_hydro_gis_preprocessor/wrfhydro_gis/", line 2293, in CSV_to_SHP
for row in csv_arr:
TypeError: iteration over a 0-d array

Seems ok to add a second entry off the grid.
(Not an issue for the ArcGIS preprocessor.)