
Other minor CSS issues with DRP theme

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • Icon and user name in top right of portal editor is too dark, should be #fff
    Element is .Portal.Editor #Navbar .minimal-nav > a
    Screen Shot 2024-01-31 at 17 44 41

  • Branding logo at bottom of portal page needs 80-100px margin-bottom to avoid footer overlap
    Element is .portal-logos-view .img-logo
    Screen Shot 2024-01-31 at 17 46 14

  • Logged-in drop down nav menu is extends off page right (similar to NCEAS/metacatui#1978)
    Element is .navbar-inner .dropdown-menu

Reopening for two more menu issues:

  • Dropdown header font color is same as background
    Element is .dropdown-header
    Screen Shot 2024-02-05 at 13 20 05

  • Nav dropdown is drawn behind scale bar
    Elements are: .map-view__scale-bar-container and #Navbar .dropdown-menu
    Screen Shot 2024-02-05 at 13 23 23

Moving to new issue #14