
No Target returned from a Hardlink

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Hello, I am struggling to obtain a target from a hardlink. I am running Windows 10 64-bit and version 1.0.2 of ReparsePoints. The scenario is as follows

E:\xxxx>mklink 2.txt 1.txt
symbolic link created for 2.txt <<===>> 1.txt
E:\xxxx>mklink /h 3.txt 1.txt
Hardlink created for 3.txt <<===>> 1.txt

ie 2.txt is a symlink and 3.txt is a hardlink

I see the following from the code
2.txt (symlink)
3.txt (hardlink)
1.txt and for completeness, this is the "real" file

I'd appreciate any thoughts about what might be going on, and what I can do to identify a file which is a hardlink.

Thanks in advance, Neil