
EPIC: Job Dependencies

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Jobs can have certain dependencies and should run once a job is successfully finished (or faulted). While it is currently possible to achieve that via the IJobNotificationHandler interface it is rather cumbersome.

Basically we could allow two versions:

1. Dependency of a job independent of parameter - just depending on the job type

builder.Services.AddNCronJob(options =>  options.AddCronJob<Job>(...)
        success => success.RunJob<SuccessJob>(p => p.WithParameter("foo")),
        failure => failure.RunJob<FailureJob>())

So even if we have AddCronJob<Job> with 12 different CRON jobs and or instant trigger, we are calling the same jobs for success or failure job.

2. The specific job (with parameter)

builder.Services.AddNCronJob(options =>  options.AddCronJob<Job>(
 p => p.WithCronJob("0 * * * *").WithParameter("bar")
        success => success.RunJob<SuccessJob>(p => p.WithParameter("foo")),
        failure => failure.RunJob<FailureJob>())

So a specific JobDefinition will define the successor. Different CRON jobs can have different success and failures.

General Questions

  1. How deep do we want to nest this? Is it enough to define the first layer? So if we go with approach one:
flowchart LR
    Job1 -- Success --- Job2
    Job1 -- Faulted --- Job3

Which would be the given example - if a user want to declare success/faulted for Job2 or Job3 he would need to call AddJob<Job2>().When(...).
We could also directly offer a recursive builder to do this in one go:

flowchart LR
    Job1 -- Success --- Job2
    Job1 -- Failure --- Job3
    Job2 -- Success --- Job4
    Job2 -- Failure --- Job5
    Job4 -- Success --- Job6

While this might be "cool," it clutters up a lot of code.

  1. Do we want to pass in the JobExecutionContext from Job1 to Job2 or Job3 or pass in a completely new one?
    If so: What happens if the user specifies a JobExecutionContext and a parameter? Shall we have a new property on top of JobExecutionContext?

For the initial feature, I would go with approach 1 and only one level of Dependency. So a Job only knows its direct successor, not a recursive list.

@falvarez1 Would love to have your thoughts on this one.

@linkdotnet I like the concept of a fluent API that allows you to add behaviors based on success/failures. I do have several thoughts on this 'job chaining' approach. Primarily, I see this flow as more than just a job with behavior that triggers another job; it's essentially a workflow or pipeline. Implementing this type of enhancement impacts several areas, including state management and how jobs are visualized in a dashboard.

I think it's important to distinguish this concept from the concept of a job. This distinction can help in organizing code, improving readability, and potentially optimizing the execution of jobs and workflows. You can add the first approach easily but you'll hit a roadblock once you try to add more layers of control flow (like retries, fan-out and fan-in sequence and other more dynamic sequences). Regarding the second approach, I think this can get ugly really quickly, especially when trying to prevent infinite loops. You would need to pay special attention to preventing configurations that could be non-deterministic as those make it impossible to determine if these would cycle.

I'll post back with a more detailed analysis after I've organized my thoughts further.

Sure thing - keep in mind that I aim for a more pragmatic and simple solution that may or may not evolve our times.
That is why there is already an open (draft) PR