
Support python3

neszt opened this issue · 3 comments

neszt commented
    import urllib2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'urllib2'

import urllib.request
import urllib.error

import urllib.request import urllib.error

It's not that simple:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "mattermost.py", line 114, in <module>
     response = request(args.url, payload(args))
   File "mattermost.py", line 107, in request
     req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
NameError: name 'urllib2' is not defined

However, i asked ChatGPT to convert it, here is the diff:

diff --git a/mattermost.py b/mattermost.py
index 627b3fd..160f00d 100755
--- a/mattermost.py
+++ b/mattermost.py
@@ -1,28 +1,10 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # coding: utf-8

 import argparse
 import json
-import urllib2
+import urllib.request
+from urllib.parse import quote

 VERSION = "0.3.1"

@@ -33,7 +15,7 @@ def parse():
     parser.add_argument('--username', help='Username to notify as',
     parser.add_argument('--iconurl', help='URL of icon to use for username',
-                        default='https://slack.global.ssl.fastly.net/7bf4/img/services/nagios_128.png') # noqa
+                        default='https://slack.global.ssl.fastly.net/7bf4/img/services/nagios_128.png')
     parser.add_argument('--notificationtype', help='Notification Type',
     parser.add_argument('--hostalias', help='Host Alias', required=True)
@@ -53,13 +35,11 @@ def parse():
     args = parser.parse_args()
     return args

 def encode_special_characters(text):
     text = text.replace("%", "%25")
     text = text.replace("&", "%26")
     return text

 def emoji(notificationtype):
     return {
         "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT": ":thumbsup: ",
@@ -69,10 +49,9 @@ def emoji(notificationtype):
         "DOWNTIMEEND": ":sunny: "
     }.get(notificationtype, "")

 def text(args):
-    template_host = "__{notificationtype}__ {hostalias} is {hoststate}\n{hostoutput}" # noqa
-    template_service = "__{notificationtype}__ {hostalias} at {hostaddress}/{servicedesc} is {servicestate}\n{serviceoutput}" # noqa
+    template_host = "__{notificationtype}__ {hostalias} is {hoststate}\n{hostoutput}"
+    template_service = "__{notificationtype}__ {hostalias} at {hostaddress}/{servicedesc} is {servicestate}\n{serviceoutput}"
     if args.notificationtype == "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT":
         template_host += "\n{hostackcomment}\nacked by: {hostackauthor}"
         template_service += "\n{serviceackcomment}\nacked by: {serviceackauthor}"
@@ -87,7 +66,6 @@ def text(args):

     return encode_special_characters(text)

 def payload(args):
     payload = {
         "username": args.username,
@@ -101,14 +79,13 @@ def payload(args):
     data = "payload=" + json.dumps(payload)
     return data

 def request(url, data):
-    req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
-    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+    data = data.encode('utf-8')
+    req = urllib.request.Request(url, data)
+    response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
     return response.read()

 if __name__ == "__main__":
     args = parse()
     response = request(args.url, payload(args))
-    print response
+    print(response.decode('utf-8'))

I tested and it is working in my environment.

Good deal! I had to make the same changes to get it to work too.