
Unable to deploy with near-bos-cli

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Affected Portal:
Select one: DevHub ( might affect all )

The DevHUB deployment pipeline currently fails with the following error from bos-cli

Your console command:
bos components deploy devhub.near sign-as devhub.near network-config mainnet sign-with-plaintext-private-key --signer-public-key ed25519:3eLvVvLmB4gfJaZWYCwNLQXHhkxzJNvrdX5V8YCz1WMV --signer-private-key *** send
   0: ERROR: Social DB requires more storage deposit, but we cannot cover it when signing transaction with a Function Call only access key

Since we saw that it is possible to deploy by calling set directly on social.near using near-cli-rs as done in #894, we know that the error message from bos-cli is wrong. bos-cli is estimating wrong when it comes to the storage deposit required.

Also 10 NEAR was deposited for devhub to increase storage ( see transactions 3bnAqyNbtnkq7D67t6kGoTEFQG9gyEvYr71GEzQA9oaS, 41hZN6kWEdYgr6A3hHxhsavhJRJoQLUPsfzbfNKTzfGo,
ATbWDMxPHuNQ8gdESBHWw14qUCddEEXsw8jpb4Eaf6tx and DL6pu1tugLmAuHkx6ceHhCSzntWYbf9jNAn7CGL6BLWH

) with the result of increased storage, as we can see when running

 bos social-db prepaid-storage view-balance devhub.near network-config mainnet now
storage balance for <devhub.near>:
 available:        1.8 MB   (17.72 NEAR [  17714790000000000000000014 yoctoNEAR])
 total:            2.7 MB   (27.11 NEAR [  27100000000000000000000014 yoctoNEAR])

Still bos components deploy fails with the error message about insufficient deposit for storage.

User Type:
Specify: Other

Reproduction Steps
Any deployment with bos cli

Expected behavior
BOS cli should estimate storage deposit requirements correctly, or not estimate at all and let the deployment transaction fail instead.

Visual Reference
If applicable, add screenshots or video recording to help explain your problem.

Select One: High (P1) – Unexpected error or behavior ( All deployments are affected, it is possible to work around it by calling set directly on the social.near contract without using bos cli ).

Environment Details

Additional Context

Turns out to be the that the public key that we use for deployment does not have write permission in socialdb.