
ValueError: Unknown loss function:ComplexAverageCrossEntropy

zeneggar opened this issue · 3 comments

【Succeed】from cvnn.losses import ComplexAverageCrossEntropy
【When using lossfunction:】loss='ComplexAverageCrossEntrop()'
【Error happens】ValueError: Unknown loss function:ComplexAverageCrossEntropy

When I use another loss function (Complex Mean Square Error), the same error happens.
Can you give me some advice to find the reason?
If I post two times of this issure, please ignore one or delete.
Thank you very much.

Sorry that I just find the reason.
loss='ComplexAverageCrossEntrop()' should be changed to loss=ComplexAverageCrossEntrop()
And the issue is solved.

Try removing the ' when initializing the class.

Thank you. It works.