Utilities and scripts for working with NEON data. Currently: an R package with functions to join (stack) the month-by-site files in downloaded NEON data, to convert data to geoCSV format, and to download data from the API.
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Running list of NEON utilities
#1 opened by cklunch - 1
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Naming of variable and validation file
#36 opened by gklarenberg - 1
stackByTable only works if library is loaded
#34 opened by scelmendorf - 6
neonUtilities Install Errors and Warnings
#56 opened by keramsey - 3
Add UTF-8 encoding
#54 opened by stephparker - 2
- 2
Undocumented File Deletion Behavior: stackByTable() deletes .R code files (and other files) if in same path
#47 opened by cflagg - 2
stackByTable not working when folder = FALSE
#46 opened by Aariq - 5
Add an interactive example with Binder
#43 opened by matthewfeickert - 2
zipsByProduct: 'names' attribute [3] must be the same length as the vector [1]
#38 opened by danielshulee - 3
- 2
add parameter to set user-defined file directory to neonUtilities::zipsByProduct
#33 opened by scelmendorf - 3
Select tiles based on extent for byFileAOP
#30 opened by bw4sz - 2
stackByTable(): Error in tt$tableName
#29 opened by mjones01 - 1
RRuntimeError: Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘neonDataStackR’
#27 opened by tyson-swetnam - 0
allow user to specify save location for getPackage() and add message where file saved
#26 opened by chrlaney - 1
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mam_pertrapnight not stacking correctly
#23 opened by chrlaney - 1
neonDataStackR - stackByTable - add parameter to retain vs delete unzipped files
#15 opened by scelmendorf - 9
zipsByProduct returning empty files
#16 opened by kjones13 - 6
StackByTable not working with DP1.20093
#19 opened by mjones01 - 2
stackByTable not stacking site-all tables
#18 opened by kjones13 - 15
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External lab files are not stacked
#6 opened by chrlaney - 3
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Add siteID column for IS data products
#5 opened by chrlaney - 1
neonDataStackR dplyr install
#2 opened by cklunch