
R error when installing eddy4R

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi eddy4R developers,

I'm following the steps given at to install eddy4R but get the following error when running the eddy4R install (source("")):
Error: With R version 3.5 or greater, install Bioconductor packages using BiocManager; see

I've installed Bioconductor following the instructions at the URL given but the eddy4R install still gives the same message. I've quit R and restarted, run BiocManager::install() (no errors) and tried the eddy4R install again but still get the error message about installing Bioconductor.

Details are:
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
R: 3.6.3
Bare metal (non-Docker) installation

Any help appreciated.



I note that there's no support for non-Docker installation, should have read the docs first ...

Installed Docker, jumped through some hoops (don't use a password with an exclamation mark in it) and have RStudio in a browser.

The R version in Docker is 3.5.2, earlier than the bare metal install (3.6.3) but there doesn't seem to be a convenient way to install older versions of R so I haven't tested to see if an earlier R version cures the original Bioconductor problem.

Heigh ho, another day in the sandbox. Thanks for all your efforts in developing eddy4R!
