
Invalid Field

MarcusCaepio opened this issue · 12 comments

What does this mean?

./check_logstash -H
./check_logstash:203:in rescue in get': (CheckLogstash::Result::InvalidField) from ./check_logstash:195:in get'
from ./check_logstash:198:in get' from ./check_logstash:191:in get'
from ./check_logstash:426:in block in inflight_events_health' from ./check_logstash:425:in each'
from ./check_logstash:425:in inflight_events_health' from ./check_logstash:373:in health'
from ./check_logstash:87:in run' from ./check_logstash:522:in


Hello? :)
Additional Info: I am not using the main pipeline. I have different named pipelines.
When I use this plugin on a default logstash pipeline called main, it works

I'm also getting the identical output when running this on a logstash instance with 3 pipelines. I am running Logstash 6.6.1

./check_logstash.rb:203:in `rescue in get': (CheckLogstash::Result::InvalidField)
        from ./check_logstash.rb:195:in `get'
        from ./check_logstash.rb:198:in `get'
        from ./check_logstash.rb:191:in `get'
        from ./check_logstash.rb:426:in `block in inflight_events_health'
        from ./check_logstash.rb:425:in `each'
        from ./check_logstash.rb:425:in `inflight_events_health'
        from ./check_logstash.rb:373:in `health'
        from ./check_logstash.rb:87:in `run'
        from ./check_logstash.rb:522:in `<main>'

@widhalmt is this plugin still supported?

@MarcusCaepio yes. I'lm on this right now.

I can not reproduce this. Did you try the latest commit? I have several pipelines and I renamed them so there is no "main" anymore. I do get a valid output.

I tried the latest commit and I'm still getting the same error.

@rnicksic could you paste the output of curl localhost:9600 on your Logstash host (or whatever you use to get the output of the API)

curl  http://obc-logstash1:9600/_node/stats?pretty
  "host" : "obc-logstash1",
  "version" : "6.6.1",
  "http_address" : "",
  "id" : "634cbc15-7d9b-440e-9e23-853a65aa1133",
  "name" : "obc-logstash1",
  "jvm" : {
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      "count" : 126,
      "peak_count" : 129
    "mem" : {
      "heap_used_percent" : 7,
      "heap_committed_in_bytes" : 8555069440,
      "heap_max_in_bytes" : 8555069440,
      "heap_used_in_bytes" : 623995400,
      "non_heap_used_in_bytes" : 211906488,
      "non_heap_committed_in_bytes" : 248504320,
      "pools" : {
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          "peak_used_in_bytes" : 34865152,
          "used_in_bytes" : 2099016,
          "peak_max_in_bytes" : 34865152,
          "max_in_bytes" : 34865152,
          "committed_in_bytes" : 34865152
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          "peak_used_in_bytes" : 594861872,
          "used_in_bytes" : 594861872,
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  "reloads" : {
    "successes" : 0,
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  "os" : {
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      "cpuacct" : {
        "usage_nanos" : 1922120672659,
        "control_group" : "/system.slice/logstash.service"
      "cpu" : {
        "cfs_quota_micros" : -1,
        "control_group" : "/system.slice/logstash.service",
        "stat" : {
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        "cfs_period_micros" : 100000

The problem seems to be the xpack.monitoring . It's shown as a seperate pipeline but it doesn't have any events. I'll try and fix this.

Version 0.7.2 will have a fix for this. Thank you for your help and patience.

Fix verified. Thanks for the quick response.