HEX colors glitch in BUNGEE TAB

Astralymc opened this issue · 15 comments

Server version

Pufferfish 1.18.2

TAB version

Tab 4.1.4 / Tab bridge 5.0.6

Plugin list

Plugins (109): 40ServidoresMC, AdvancedEnchantments, AdvancedPets, AllowBlocks, AlonsoTags, ArmorStandTools, Astraly-Proteccions, AstralyAuctionAddon, AstralyBaltop, AstralyBlockedCommands, AstralyBovedas, AstralyBugs, AstralyChat, AstralyCoinflip, AstralyCommandSync, AstralyCooldowns, AstralyDeathBack, AstralyDropsCustom, AstralyInventories, AstralyItemChecker, AstralyKoth, AstralyMythicDrops, AstralyStatistic, AstralyVanish, BCommons, BanItem, BeansClear, BeautyQuests, BeautyQuests-Expansion, BetterBalls, BungeeGuard, BuycraftX, CMILib, ChatBrawl, ChatSentry, ChestShop, Citizens, CommandWhitelist, ConditionalEvents, CoreProtect, CrazyEnvoy, CrazyVouchers, CreeperHeal2, CustomDrops, DecentHolograms, DeluxeCombat, DeluxeMenus, Ecobridge, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, ExcellentCrates, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FasterCrystals, GSit, HeadDatabase, HolographicDisplays, HuskHomes, ItemEdit, JetsPrisonMines, Jobs, KixsAutoAnnouncerPremium, LPX, Lib1711, LibsDisguises, LiteBans, LuckPerms, Marriage, MobFarmManager, Multiverse-Core, MythicCrucible, MythicMobs, MythicPlaceholder, NBTAPI, NexEngine, OreRegenerator, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerPoints, ProCasino, ProtectionStones, ProtocolLib, SecuredWorlds, ServerUtils, ShopGUIPlus, Shopkeepers, SirBlobmanCore, SkinsRestorer, SpikeyRedstoneRemover, SternalBoard, TAB-Bridge, TheOnly-Donations, TradeSystem, UltimateClans, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaVersion, ViewDistanceTweaks, VoidGen, VoteParty, Vulcan, WorldGuard, WorldGuardEvents, WorldGuardExtraFlags, floodgate, helper, helper-redis, spark, zAuctionHouseRedis and zAuctionHouseV3

Describe the bug

Players with hex colors in their name are sometimes randomly recolored, Only the name is changed.

Expected behavior

It should remain the same for all colors.

Steps to reproduce

Nothing, they just connect and it can happen at any time

Additional info

Video: Observe the color of players with ASTRALY rank


  • I am running latest version of the plugin
  • I have read the wiki to make sure it's not an issue with configuration
  • I ticked all of the boxes without actually reading them
  • I have read the Compatibility wiki page and am not trying to run the plugin on an unsupported server version / platform
  • I am willing to cooperate to get this issue resolved faster, including providing any additional information requested or testing new builds

You said "BUNGEE TAB" and then said you use pufferfish. What is your proxy software?

xcord and pufferfish in backend servers

Send your waterfall.yml

That's fine. Could you have disabled anti-override by mistake?

What do you mean with that?

No, it is enabled

Try removing the disable-condition if that fixes it.

The problem is that I only need the bungee tab to work for certain modes, not all. Since my server is cross-server

Then reproduce it on a testing environment with no other plugins, which is what you should have done first.

Well, I don't know what causes the error either since it can occur at any time with any player.

But it's okay, I don't think there's anything else to do

Unfortunately that's not enough information for me to do anything with. Also try latest build from github actions, I fixed a very similar issue some time ago.