
curvelet or wavelet: typo in the comment?

jecampagne opened this issue · 0 comments

Your code is very nice, I hope it is still maintained.

I'm using it on simple denoising task. I have a question concerning a possible confusion.
In the below C&P function fdct_wrapping it is mentioned that "finest=2" by default (which is the case due to

if nargin < 3, finest = 2; end`

but the comment says that 2 : wavelets and 1: curvelets, so I should conclude that the default IS NOT using curvelet.

It is strange as in the ACT_filter.m which should provide a "curvelet" denoising,
I can see that fdct_wrapping is called without the third argument (ie. finestvar)

noisy_DCuT_coeffs = fdct_wrapping(noisy_img, is_real);

So I am confused as ACT_filtercalls fdct_wrapping with the default finest which is then according to the comment "wavelet".

Can you tell me the truth, please, as I would like to use "curvelet".

function C = fdct_wrapping(x, is_real, finest, nbscales, nbangles_coarse)

% fdct_wrapping.m - Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform via wedge wrapping - Version 1.0
% Inputs
%   x           M-by-N matrix
% Optional Inputs
%   is_real     Type of the transform
%                   0: complex-valued curvelets
%                   1: real-valued curvelets
%               [default set to 0]
%   finest      Chooses one of two possibilities for the coefficients at the
%               finest level:
%                   1: curvelets
%                   2: wavelets
%               [default set to 2]