[NTR] add dimensional screen parameteres of Raman spectral imaging
Zack-83 opened this issue · 0 comments
context / use case
In Raman spectral imaging, multiple Raman spectroscopy measurements with the same configuration are performed in different spots of a sample within a predefined grid that covers a certain region of interest. The resulting spectra are then integrated into Raman images (also known as maps) that contain the variations in spectral information at different points on, or inside, the analysed part of the sample. The predefined sampling grid that makes up this region of interest can either be one-, two- or three-dimensional. To cover this ontologically, we need terms that represent the settings entered into the device controller which determine such a sampling grid. These terms are:
requested new terms
label: region of interest
- text def.: A site that refers to a user-defined portion of the image area in which data will be acquired. The remainder of the image area will be discarded.
- def. source: CHARISMA:Q57
- synonyms: imaging region of interest, ROI
- subclass of: BFO:0000029 (site)
- skos:exactMatch: reproduceme:ROI, NCIT:C85402
- text def.: A site that refers to a user-defined portion of the image area in which data will be acquired. The remainder of the image area will be discarded.
label: region of interest width
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies the width (horizontal length) of the region of interest.
- synonyms: ROI width, ROI horizontal length
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
label: region of interest height
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies the height (vertical length) of the region of interest.
- synonyms: ROI height, ROI vertical length
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
label: region of interest depth
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies the depth (length in the z direction) of the region of interest.
- synonyms: ROI depth, ROI length in the z direction
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
label: horizontal point distance
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies the equal distance which the incident light beam will be moved horizontally on a given sample within the region of interest after each measurement, when performing a spatially resolved spectroscopy.
- synonyms: horizontal sampling pace, horizontal sampling step, horizontal voxal distance, horizontal measurement distance
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
label: vertical point distance
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies the equal distance which the incident light beam will be moved vertically on a given sample within the region of interest after each measurement, when performing a spatially resolved spectroscopy.
- synonyms: vertical sampling pace, vertical sampling step, vertical voxal distance, vertical measurement distance
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
label: focal point distance
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies the equal distance which the incident light beam will moved on the focal plane within the region of interest, when performing a spatially resolved spectroscopy.
- synonyms: focal sampling pace, focal sampling step, focal voxal distance, focal measurement distance
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
label: number of horizontal measurments
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies how many equally configured measurements of a sample are to be performed in the horizontal direction (on the x plane) of a certain region of interest. Together with the horizontal point distance, this setting defines the region of interest width.
- synonyms: number of points in the X direction, number of points per line
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
label: number of vertical measurments
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies how many equally configured measurements of a sample are to be performed in the vertical direction (on the y plane) of a certain region of interest. Together with the vertical point distance, this setting defines the region of interest height.
- synonyms: number of points in the Y direction, number of lines per layer
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
label: number of transversal measurments
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies how many equally configured measurements of a sample are to be performed in the transversal direction (on the z plane) of a certain region of interest.
Together with the focal point distance, this setting defines the region of interest depth. - synonyms: number of points in the Z direction, number of layers per acquisition
- subclass of: IAO:0000140 (setting datum)
- text def.: A setting datum that specifies how many equally configured measurements of a sample are to be performed in the transversal direction (on the z plane) of a certain region of interest.