
subscription backpressure (?)

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Currently Spear.subscribe/4 emits info messages to the subscriber process with Kernel.send/2 as fast as the messages are received. I don't have any test cases for it but a simple test in IEx shows messages piling up in the subscriber mailbox until they're flushed (i.e. with flush/0 from the IEx helpers) or otherwise handled. There is currently no backpressure a subscriber could exert to ensure that their mailbox doesn't get flooded.

A consumer could work around this by reading up until they are at the end of the stream and then subscribing, and an implementation involving a GenStage which uses Spear.read_stream/3 or!/3 along with t:Enumerable.continuation/0s to catch up based on consumer demand and then subscribes with Spear.subscribe/4 could handle this backpressure pretty well. (See the GenStage.Streamer implementation for inspiration.) This implementation would suffer from bursty appends to the EventStoreDB stream, though, and could end up with a large mailbox regardless with sustained large writes to the stream. I'm sure there's some clever work-around to that problem if one can cheaply determine the process mailbox size. (I'm not too familiar with how to interact with the process mailbox.)

I'm a bit concerned that trying to solve this in spear is incorrect: doing any sort of from the Spear.Connection would inherently block the connection. If the Spear.Connection process were to GenServer.cast/2 or Kernel.send/2 the message to some intermediary subscription GenServer which would then perform the, that intermediary GenServer would have the full mailbox instead of the subscription process. Maybe that's acceptable or some sort of improvement, but if a Spear user wants to implement subscriptions that way, the current emit-style of Spear.subscribe/4 supports building that yourself.

apparently checking the mailbox size is possible:

iex> Spear.subscribe(conn, self(), :all, ..
iex> :erlang.process_info(self(), :message_queue_len)
{:message_queue_len, 79}

it looks like this is handled in extreme in a similar fashion with the reading subscription

it reads events in chunks and buffers them until it catches up and then subscribes