
Condense function issues

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Firstly, this is a great library. I am not sure if it is an issue or it's my lack of understanding.

I am trying to convert an audio wave file into midi. it gives me an output which is great but then there are many midi notes which are kinda noisy to listen to.
So let's say the same note exists continuously for 1 second, it gives me 7 midi notes (based on the sampling freq I have set) when I see it in muse score or read it using any midi library. I was looking for a feature that can join all these 7 midi notes in the output midi file into 1 big duration midi note. In other words, 7 midi notes should be considered as 1 note with total of 1-sec duration.

I tried looking at the parameters like condense, condense max, and beat. Though it does something better but I was not able to find a way to simply join repeated notes continuously into 1 single note.

Is there a feature/parameter for this? Did I miss something?